Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Patience, not complacence

Is there a scarier transition in one's life? Progressing from an easy, exciting student life to the difficult, unknown world of - employment. Shudder! It's probably even more scary then when you grew up knowing you would leave school for the coal mine. At least then you knew what was coming. Choice brings insecurity. Unfortunately that's the case for so much in modern society: democracy; women's rights; drinks you've never heard of at Starbuck's...

But at the end of the day, who wants to work in a coal mine?

I've applied to a variety of jobs already: the Foreign Office; Essex County Council; a development consultency firm; Immigration control; the Treasury; even an editor at Encarta! So far I've had no rejections, but I've only got one interview (at the Foreign Office), and that's not until October 24th! In the words of Samuel Beckett, "In the meantime nothing happens". Patience is my watchword. My track record shows that I have a worrying capacity for turning patience into its arch-nemesis: complacence. My challenge is to avoid doing so again.

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