Thursday, November 02, 2006

Frustrate their knavish tricks

Next February we are to get a new £20 note. Edward Elgar, the Worcester composer, is to be replaced by Adam Smith, the eighteenth-century founder of modern economics and author of The Wealth of Nations.

Adam Smith will be the first Scot to appear on a British banknote. This is simply unacceptable. The Scottish already have their own currency. In fact, they already have Adam Smith himself - on £50 notes. They should keep their grubby hands off British money, or scrap Scottish notes altogether.

This is just the thin end of the wedge. Scotland now has its own parliament, but still elects MPs to Westminster to decide on issues only affecting England. Now they want to be represented on someone else's currency too! You know what we should do about it?

Nothing. 'Cos who really cares?

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