Saturday, December 09, 2006


I suppose all that work last year was worth something, after all. I've received my results from the University of York, and I now have an MA! It's official. And perhaps most surprisingly, it feels good. It hasn't exactly been on my mind a lot recently. It's odd how quickly you can move from one phase of life into another, but my time in York seems distant now. Actually being awarded a degree brings it into focus a little.

So what are the practical implications? Two-fold, actually. 1) I get to write Craig Hopton MA on my correspondance (though I won't); and 2) I can select "obtained" instead of "expected" for my Masters degree on job application forms. As you can tell, this is quite a monumental occasion.

I suppose everyone else I know from York must be getting their results too. Well done all - you've worked hard and you deserve it.

1 comment:

Annelisa said...

Well done Craig - that's quite an achievement!